Stephen Rouse

Stephen Rouse first became interested in the value of therapeutic exercise
and bodywork as a means of managing strain and injury fom his previous
24 year career as a professional dancer.
Born in Swindon in 1958, whilst still a railway apprentice, Steve had
discovered Ballet at the late age of 20, before gaining a scholarship at
the famous Rambert School Of Ballet, London.
He then danced professionally for over two decades worldwide, in theatre,
film and TV, musicals and companies. Those two decades also brought
marriage, parenting, earning a BA degree and creatinghis own dance
company 'Romanska', which he ran for twelve years, both nationally and internationally.
At the age of 45, he needed a hip replacement, and his performing career as a dancer ended.
However, as one door closed, another one opened and he discovered a passion for therapeutic movement disciplines such as Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi. He was awarded a scholarship to train with 'Body Control Pilates', and became a Pilates teacher. Whilst working at the 'Kings Cross Pilates Studio', London, saw a need for exercise adapted for the older, more restricted population, so studied and taught 'Chair Based' exercise and 'Falls Prevention' (now known as 'Balance and Safety').
Stephen returned to the Swindon area in 2006, where he and his wife opened 'Romanska School Of Dance' in Wroughton. During his brief return to dance, he also taught Flamenco and Russian Dance at the town hall for 'Swindon Dance'. He also taught extensively Pilates and Seniors classes in the Swindon area for Swindon Council, New College, Marlborough College and his own 'Wroughton Pilates' plus many others. During this time he also studied 'Cardiac Rehab' and 'COPD Rehab' (for lung disease), and these were added to his duties for Swindon Council.
However, further joint problems and a knee operation in 2007, again prevented him from serious dance and at age 50 he rediscovered Martial Arts for the first time since teenage, which he now studies in his spare time for his own pleasure and fitness. Martial Arts further stimulated his long interest in the eastern exercise and healing disciplines, and he trained to teach 'Shibashi', a specially adapted type of 'Community Tai Chi', which he now teaches at 'Wroughton Body Balance', and other venues locally. This 'holistic' approach made him curious about the 'Mind/Body' connection, which has led him to study Meditation and qualify in Hypnotherapy.
His desire to further help people with their health issues, and his own personal experience of injury has led Steve to study and practice both western and eastern 'Body Work' modes such as Sports Massage and Chinese Acupressure, which he continues to develop alongside his therapeutic exercise teaching.
Steve is also a qualified yoga teacher and he is still passionate about dance and therefore gained qualifications to teach FitSteps and Zumba.
Qualifications Stephen:
Pilates (Body Control)
Shibashi Taichi/Chi Gong Level 2 and 3
Sports Massage Level 3
Chair Exercise (Later Life Training)
Falls Prevention (Later Life Training)
Exercise to Music (CYQ)
FitSteps and Zumba
Gym Instructor (CYQ)
Hypnotherapy Diploma (Chrysalis)
Cardiac Rehab (BACR, CYQ)
Kettlebell Instructor
